Post by Val Young on Mar 31, 2009 16:24:34 GMT
Reiki is a system of hands on delivery of the Universal energy, designed to assist the physical body to relax and heal itself by covering soft body tissues, organs and the skeletal system with the palms or fingers Recommended are several strategic hand positions which are placed over a chakra, organ or joint.
It is without doubt all areas and systems of the physical body, muscular, skeletal, can receive some improvement through Reiki to relaxation. The mind is also addressed, which would include emotional/stress issues, in other words, all conditions mental or physical, benefit greatly from a treatment. The energy can be released for any living thing and acts as the catalyst for complete relaxation for both the physical body as stated, and not forgetting the spiritual advancement of the individual, the student.
We now have scientific evidence to substantiate the ‘energy body’ and many cases of ‘healings’ are cited across many energy based therapies making vast improvements to peoples lives. ‘hands on’ therapies are many and varied, and all prove that the need to address this part of ourselves should be in every medical journal, not only to deal with physical symptoms, but more importantly the causes, and why in many diseases chronic symptoms develop.
Healing in general is accepted now by most people and anyone from a youngster can do it, regardless of Reiki, though many are introduced to this system quite early falling into the regime so naturally and enjoying what they do, being an inspiration to many adults.
Usually ‘healing’ is based on the ‘love energy’ aspect through the heart centre, and no more than that. This isn’t to say the Reiki practitioner doesn’t work through the heart, particularly when the hands are in place, it just means the methods adopted and the access and distribution of energy and its use is able to be more specific, targeting a particular area of discomfort.
As Reiki considers the body as a whole, the relationship of the physical and emotional problems are included in consultation, so the awareness of the student heightens. Consultations and lessons, assist improvements continually make the ability of the Reiki student more aware of touch and perception, plus a wider concept of humanity and their developing roll within it.
The Universal energy includes both earthly and cosmic frequencies which ever is the greatest of need at the time, allowing the client to heal themselves, as the frequency level entrains between themselves and the practitioner.
What makes Reiki different ?
The founder, Mikao Usui, a Japanese practicing Buddhist of some qualification and great inspiration, brought a series of techniques together from Te-ate a palm healing method, also a meridian concept from the practice of Chinese Medicine and Qigong, along with esoteric practices from Buddhism.
Amongst his prolonged teachings he adapted a Tibetan/Buddhist initiation process we now call an attunement. Dr Usui’s original form of this particular practice was much
shorter than the Western version of attunement which many Masters have adopted and present at this time. Dr Usui’s method, much more lengthier training as already suggested was over a number of years, his presentation called Reiju, was used on a more frequent basis, and thanks to the cooperation of the Japanese Gakkai, we can now incorporate this system within the students training along with other energy enhancing techniques.
I suspect most of his experience came from his Buddhist background in some way, so the philosophy and precepts colour the teachings of Reiki. Practiced today are teachings well recognised that assist the student to enhance their personal abilities to be more energy receptive around all livings things.
Poetry and teachings from the Emperor would have been included out of respect, but in the west, as these do not apply they are not adopted in most schools. There is a long form of the precepts or values for the student to consider, but an accepted shorter version acts like a mini mantra or meditation if required.
Just for today, do not anger, do not worry, be humble, be honest in your work, be kind to all living things.
It must be said, Reiki does not take power away from any individual, in fact quite the opposite it actually empowers, and focuses not mainly what other people do to you, but what your reactions say of yourself. This allows us all to modify unreasonable commentary or behaviour that may be offensive or unreasonable.
The knowledge of all techniques in practice are in the main handed down from master to student. Energy is transferred during the initiation to the student in an amplified state. It is in this experiencing of such a powerful force that gives the initiate the opportunity to receive and absorb. The whole sequence is a beautiful sharing of the universal energy that will inspire the student to work towards their own enlightenment.
Not everyone however shares the same experience during initiation or attunement, it is my understanding that the initiate receives what they are ready for. The master does not manipulate anything that causes any intrusion or discomfort, nor should the master ask for any allegiance, and therefore any respect should be earned by the giving of a full support during the extensive and necessary training.
What must be emphasised at this point is, Reiki is not a cult or a sect of exclusive practitioners. Thankfully as a system it has moved on from some sort of secret, mysterious indulgence, incorporating symbols and attunements which was screened from the uninitiated and no written evidence recorded. This is to its cost where it went sadly wrong and not allowing the student to know what was expected during this process.
A 21 day period is allowed for the energy to integrate the physical body which triggers the release of toxins, both emotionally and physically. This applies to all levels of Reiki, and also to any therapy which releases blockages of stagnate energy to some degree.
Is that it ?
The straight answer is no. Some people have been under the misapprehension that all what was required of them, was to pay to a master money and the knowledge would follow.
The attunement day is simply for that, the student needs to work and understand the energy body thoroughly, which can take many hours of practice.
Dr Usui presented a number of long levels for the recipient to work through, taking many years of training as already stated. Sadly the west reduced these levels to a basic three, and even worse suggested more than one level could be done in a day. The more one can learn and practice the stronger the energy becomes, mainly because the developing awareness and spirituality of the student widens and a greater opening of the receptor channels materialise. A better understanding ensues of how the universe works in this context, plus changes within the spirituality and purpose plus the roll the soul or higher self of the individual wishes to play.
Dr Usui did as already stated use his knowledge for the betterment of his students, but this does not mean all students have to become a Buddhist, the basic tools used are to ground centre and focus via symbols, mantras, mudras and meditations, encouraging the mind to quieten and the physical stresses to dissolve, which the exercises would allow for, the energy can then flow more easily, thus practice is the key in all its aspects.
It is possible at this point during the student’s development that the intuition improves and in some cases physic influence can take place. This does not suggest that Reiki has to operate with those qualities, nor does it mean the student has to have this ability before entering Reiki.
Sensing and exchanging energy is a physical process and scientifically proven, a separate paper is written on the present understanding of energy in general and how close time dimensions are, which as we learn more, will indicate what we call the paranormal is in event an energy shift.
What are the levels ?
The Level 1 is largely for the physical body, and usually addresses the self. The self healing with the appropriate hand positions, plus focussing on the present life style, emotional lessons etc, assists the student to understand the necessary free flowing of the universal energy, means more stability in relationships and health, then when ready, can move on to give the same consideration to family and friends.
During the attunement process, the master is passing light through the channels as already mentioned to allow more life force energy to enter. Buddhist’s believe that to heal the self first allows the spirituality to shine through, consequently places the student in a better place to proceed to Level 2. The levels are described below, and always progress at the student’s own pace.
Level 1
The attunement is carried out carefully via four stages during a day, however, some masters prefer to do this over two days, each stage of the attunement tends to concentrate on an energy centre or chakra.
This level stimulates the pineal gland by visualisation, the three major endocrine centres in the head which are included to support a connection with the higher self, which comes from an ancient practice of meditation, each student therefore is in full control at all times. There is no hypnosis or suggestions that infringe the student in any way, if at anytime the student wants to drop out after the attunement or even at a later date, they simply stop using their new abilities, it is as simple as that. If they
wish to lapse they can always pick up again where they left off if they have the future desire to do so.
Level 1 however does not allow anyone to become a practitioner, on this occasion the attunement is purely for sensing the energy on ones self as already stated, close family and friends, which strengthens the connection, and thus allows the student to expand their awareness of subtle energy sensations.
Level 2.
The attunement is stepped up at this stage, and a stronger vibratory level is experienced. This is achieved by the use of symbols, ‘the bicycle wheels’ as Dr Usui termed. These symbols, some from Buddhist teachings, and others just Japanese words, they set the intention to experience a particular volume and frequency of energy by the student which gives access to the universal source of earth, heavenly and cosmic, to term it simply. This action then allows the student to experience and
learn to differentiate the sources and to use them appropriately for different conditions. Once the remembering and command of these energies are realised, then the symbols can be discarded.
For this level classes should be attended to learn and develop the skills needed, this becomes easier as the intuitive ability is recognised. The opportunity to practice with the public is then their option.
Professional insurance, a designated place to work and an understanding of client comfort is required.
Level 3
Sometimes this level is by-passed, often called A.R.T, or advanced Reiki Training and is essential, as it takes the student to a higher level of techniques and understanding of the energy body. It also prepares the student to become a master if that is what they want by learning a practice called Reiju as already mentioned, and prepares them for experiencing higher levels of energy which they can pass on. This does not allow them to attune anyone else into Reiki at this stage.
A further attunement takes place and more symbols given.
Level 4
Traditionally taught in the west to give attunements and smaller versions of healing initiations to take place. This level is often referred by the title Master Teacher, this is incorrect, they are a master waiting to teach in reality as in the majority very few
people learn sufficient in the time they allow themselves, to qualify. This aspect of the masters qualities in introduction, should be questioned by the potential student, they can decide at that point whether the master has sufficient knowledge for their needs, or if they have to continue their enquires.
To illustrate how this can influence a decision, an enquiry made of myself once was regarding my lineage.
This gives a list of Masters preceding my name, right back to Dr Usui. I was turned down because of a book authored by one of the previous masters she had taken a dislike to!
For this level a further symbol is given along with another attunement.
Level 5
Master Teacher should be reached with sufficient time between each level for the student to gather the knowledge to achieve this reputation and title. It can take years of experience and even then a most difficult of title to live up to as (one should never stop learning), even Dr Usui did not address himself as such, but preferred the title Sensei which means teacher, a more modest title and one that should really be adopted for the sake of the ego!
It should be pointed out the five above attunements referred to is still not as long as the original Usui method.
It is attending well run workshops backed with manuals and continued support that bring further expertise into the system of Reiki.
So then, Reiki practice, and the content depends purely on the master teacher’s knowledge, it is up to the student to find out what is given in each Reiki school, and if it meets their requirements.
Within the last decade, valuable and detailed information has been received from the Japanese gakkai or association and a greater majority of M/Teachers have taken parts of the new eastern teachings on board thus combining them with western approaches.
It is always advisable for the new student to read about Reiki prior to accepting any M/T if possible, enabling them to ask questions which are important to them and to be comfortable about the whole procedure.
It is also necessary to find out whether on initiation the student receives a certificate, lineage of Masters and an adequate manual for each level, also if they receive future workshop details, hand outs or further manuals after each workshop. In addition it would be advisable to count the cost.
In my view many things should not be charged for, and the question of money is a delicate one for most individuals and rests with their conscience . I do not believe that the most expensive programme is the best, nor the cheapest is the poorest course to take, so please do ask the questions. It is of course appropriate the teacher is paid, overheads have to be met but exaggerated profits should be avoided as this seems to thwart the original ideals.
No set time is given between each level. Each student can work at their own pace, nor do they have to practice in the ‘private capacity’ or ‘public domain’, they can just attend to family and friends for as long as they want even with their higher qualifications.
As each student comes along with or without previous knowledge of energy work, each individual can vary on perception etc, also depending on their particular field of certificated complementary therapies, so it is important that enough time is allowed between initiations for the student to integrate grow and learn about the universal energy. It is imperative the M/ Teacher is there to answer any queries the student may come across outside the workshops.
What can I learn in Reiki practices?
At first it always comes as a surprise as the beginner starts to sense different sensations in hands and body, measuring the resistance and power of the electromagnetic field, then to start to understand what it all means.
To start with sensitising and developing scanning techniques which sharpens receptor areas within the body is essential. This can distinguish lines of energy routes called meridians, which are associated with organs and systems of the physical body, and vortices of energy called chakras which are the reservoirs of energy that assist in driving the physical system.
The connection between mind and body is very important and needs to be understood fully, and how the emotions can block the life force which stagnates in the system. Balancing all routes/polarities as we understand it and in addition are given techniques to assist in this process. This development can work both ways, as well as guiding the student to help the client, it has the ability to further their own achievements and accomplish homeostasis for both.
In addition in this school, some basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology plus any scientific information relevant to the training is also given. The reason for this is quite simple.
Many physical and mental conditions in our society today have become big issues, from low energy based, immune disorders, hormonal imbalances, neuromuscular problems and not forgetting cancer.
When most clients arrive at our doors, it is usually because somewhere along the line they feel either let down or they want to seek and explore every avenue open to them to improve on their health issues.
They are therefore vulnerable. We have to learn as practitioners all the skills needed not only to understand their health condition, but in some cases how to live with a problem, and hopefully ease their suffering, and in some cases how to die with dignity and without too much discomfort, so palliative care is also essential. Families and carers are also considered and often request information, so sometimes keeping them up to date with new developments can make them feel part of the hope which in turn helps their loved one.
Why are there so many types of Reiki?
When Reiki came to the west, parts of the original teachings by Dr Usui were not considered. One of the Masters attuned 22 new Masters, who then went on to deliver their own individual system, depending on their own abilities and beliefs. But out of
respect for the original founder, they changed the Reiki title as well as a great deal of the form to suit their particular expertise.
Can Reiki support other complimentary practices?
Reiki gives excellent support to other therapies, as most involve touch in some way. If when massaging or just resting the hands these become activated and the treatment becomes more potent. Client’s do notice the difference. It is ideal for releasing stress,
which is the basis of most problems, and helps the clients to heal themselves and regain some of their control.
Is Reiki better than other Energy based Therapies?
It largely depends on what the student has learnt about energy movement, through their perception and awareness, this is why it is so important to ask questions right from the start. Check the standards set by affiliation to organisations etc. Some Masters much prefer students to start and finish with them, so they are taught to their standard, others will teach what they know and let go with their blessing.
If all teaching had the same high standard set in the curriculum then the answer to this question could be a resounding yes which it could be if one includes the improvements it makes for the personal development of the student, as this system is not just a mechanical energetic exchange and adjustment for clients, but a life changing one for the student as well.
Scientific Information
There are many papers giving credence to the energy field of the physical body, and different tests written up showing electronic measurements plus case notes published etc, this information is given freely at this school as it is discovered and understood by the teachers. Knowledge of health issues are also followed through and the energetic connections. To further the quality of instruction updates are given when necessary.
Reiki helps in all sorts of situations and in my view no more so as in the support received from fellow therapists, I like to think we have a ‘Reiki Family’ a special community of like minded people ready to take some of our modern life’s stresses and turn them round. If the collective consciousness as a whole is considered, then we can make a difference in ‘healing’ our own small corner, and let the ripples touch so many more for the greater good.
Namaste June D Garbutt Master Teacher
Submitted by:-
June Garbutt
It is without doubt all areas and systems of the physical body, muscular, skeletal, can receive some improvement through Reiki to relaxation. The mind is also addressed, which would include emotional/stress issues, in other words, all conditions mental or physical, benefit greatly from a treatment. The energy can be released for any living thing and acts as the catalyst for complete relaxation for both the physical body as stated, and not forgetting the spiritual advancement of the individual, the student.
We now have scientific evidence to substantiate the ‘energy body’ and many cases of ‘healings’ are cited across many energy based therapies making vast improvements to peoples lives. ‘hands on’ therapies are many and varied, and all prove that the need to address this part of ourselves should be in every medical journal, not only to deal with physical symptoms, but more importantly the causes, and why in many diseases chronic symptoms develop.
Healing in general is accepted now by most people and anyone from a youngster can do it, regardless of Reiki, though many are introduced to this system quite early falling into the regime so naturally and enjoying what they do, being an inspiration to many adults.
Usually ‘healing’ is based on the ‘love energy’ aspect through the heart centre, and no more than that. This isn’t to say the Reiki practitioner doesn’t work through the heart, particularly when the hands are in place, it just means the methods adopted and the access and distribution of energy and its use is able to be more specific, targeting a particular area of discomfort.
As Reiki considers the body as a whole, the relationship of the physical and emotional problems are included in consultation, so the awareness of the student heightens. Consultations and lessons, assist improvements continually make the ability of the Reiki student more aware of touch and perception, plus a wider concept of humanity and their developing roll within it.
The Universal energy includes both earthly and cosmic frequencies which ever is the greatest of need at the time, allowing the client to heal themselves, as the frequency level entrains between themselves and the practitioner.
What makes Reiki different ?
The founder, Mikao Usui, a Japanese practicing Buddhist of some qualification and great inspiration, brought a series of techniques together from Te-ate a palm healing method, also a meridian concept from the practice of Chinese Medicine and Qigong, along with esoteric practices from Buddhism.
Amongst his prolonged teachings he adapted a Tibetan/Buddhist initiation process we now call an attunement. Dr Usui’s original form of this particular practice was much
shorter than the Western version of attunement which many Masters have adopted and present at this time. Dr Usui’s method, much more lengthier training as already suggested was over a number of years, his presentation called Reiju, was used on a more frequent basis, and thanks to the cooperation of the Japanese Gakkai, we can now incorporate this system within the students training along with other energy enhancing techniques.
I suspect most of his experience came from his Buddhist background in some way, so the philosophy and precepts colour the teachings of Reiki. Practiced today are teachings well recognised that assist the student to enhance their personal abilities to be more energy receptive around all livings things.
Poetry and teachings from the Emperor would have been included out of respect, but in the west, as these do not apply they are not adopted in most schools. There is a long form of the precepts or values for the student to consider, but an accepted shorter version acts like a mini mantra or meditation if required.
Just for today, do not anger, do not worry, be humble, be honest in your work, be kind to all living things.
It must be said, Reiki does not take power away from any individual, in fact quite the opposite it actually empowers, and focuses not mainly what other people do to you, but what your reactions say of yourself. This allows us all to modify unreasonable commentary or behaviour that may be offensive or unreasonable.
The knowledge of all techniques in practice are in the main handed down from master to student. Energy is transferred during the initiation to the student in an amplified state. It is in this experiencing of such a powerful force that gives the initiate the opportunity to receive and absorb. The whole sequence is a beautiful sharing of the universal energy that will inspire the student to work towards their own enlightenment.
Not everyone however shares the same experience during initiation or attunement, it is my understanding that the initiate receives what they are ready for. The master does not manipulate anything that causes any intrusion or discomfort, nor should the master ask for any allegiance, and therefore any respect should be earned by the giving of a full support during the extensive and necessary training.
What must be emphasised at this point is, Reiki is not a cult or a sect of exclusive practitioners. Thankfully as a system it has moved on from some sort of secret, mysterious indulgence, incorporating symbols and attunements which was screened from the uninitiated and no written evidence recorded. This is to its cost where it went sadly wrong and not allowing the student to know what was expected during this process.
A 21 day period is allowed for the energy to integrate the physical body which triggers the release of toxins, both emotionally and physically. This applies to all levels of Reiki, and also to any therapy which releases blockages of stagnate energy to some degree.
Is that it ?
The straight answer is no. Some people have been under the misapprehension that all what was required of them, was to pay to a master money and the knowledge would follow.
The attunement day is simply for that, the student needs to work and understand the energy body thoroughly, which can take many hours of practice.
Dr Usui presented a number of long levels for the recipient to work through, taking many years of training as already stated. Sadly the west reduced these levels to a basic three, and even worse suggested more than one level could be done in a day. The more one can learn and practice the stronger the energy becomes, mainly because the developing awareness and spirituality of the student widens and a greater opening of the receptor channels materialise. A better understanding ensues of how the universe works in this context, plus changes within the spirituality and purpose plus the roll the soul or higher self of the individual wishes to play.
Dr Usui did as already stated use his knowledge for the betterment of his students, but this does not mean all students have to become a Buddhist, the basic tools used are to ground centre and focus via symbols, mantras, mudras and meditations, encouraging the mind to quieten and the physical stresses to dissolve, which the exercises would allow for, the energy can then flow more easily, thus practice is the key in all its aspects.
It is possible at this point during the student’s development that the intuition improves and in some cases physic influence can take place. This does not suggest that Reiki has to operate with those qualities, nor does it mean the student has to have this ability before entering Reiki.
Sensing and exchanging energy is a physical process and scientifically proven, a separate paper is written on the present understanding of energy in general and how close time dimensions are, which as we learn more, will indicate what we call the paranormal is in event an energy shift.
What are the levels ?
The Level 1 is largely for the physical body, and usually addresses the self. The self healing with the appropriate hand positions, plus focussing on the present life style, emotional lessons etc, assists the student to understand the necessary free flowing of the universal energy, means more stability in relationships and health, then when ready, can move on to give the same consideration to family and friends.
During the attunement process, the master is passing light through the channels as already mentioned to allow more life force energy to enter. Buddhist’s believe that to heal the self first allows the spirituality to shine through, consequently places the student in a better place to proceed to Level 2. The levels are described below, and always progress at the student’s own pace.
Level 1
The attunement is carried out carefully via four stages during a day, however, some masters prefer to do this over two days, each stage of the attunement tends to concentrate on an energy centre or chakra.
This level stimulates the pineal gland by visualisation, the three major endocrine centres in the head which are included to support a connection with the higher self, which comes from an ancient practice of meditation, each student therefore is in full control at all times. There is no hypnosis or suggestions that infringe the student in any way, if at anytime the student wants to drop out after the attunement or even at a later date, they simply stop using their new abilities, it is as simple as that. If they
wish to lapse they can always pick up again where they left off if they have the future desire to do so.
Level 1 however does not allow anyone to become a practitioner, on this occasion the attunement is purely for sensing the energy on ones self as already stated, close family and friends, which strengthens the connection, and thus allows the student to expand their awareness of subtle energy sensations.
Level 2.
The attunement is stepped up at this stage, and a stronger vibratory level is experienced. This is achieved by the use of symbols, ‘the bicycle wheels’ as Dr Usui termed. These symbols, some from Buddhist teachings, and others just Japanese words, they set the intention to experience a particular volume and frequency of energy by the student which gives access to the universal source of earth, heavenly and cosmic, to term it simply. This action then allows the student to experience and
learn to differentiate the sources and to use them appropriately for different conditions. Once the remembering and command of these energies are realised, then the symbols can be discarded.
For this level classes should be attended to learn and develop the skills needed, this becomes easier as the intuitive ability is recognised. The opportunity to practice with the public is then their option.
Professional insurance, a designated place to work and an understanding of client comfort is required.
Level 3
Sometimes this level is by-passed, often called A.R.T, or advanced Reiki Training and is essential, as it takes the student to a higher level of techniques and understanding of the energy body. It also prepares the student to become a master if that is what they want by learning a practice called Reiju as already mentioned, and prepares them for experiencing higher levels of energy which they can pass on. This does not allow them to attune anyone else into Reiki at this stage.
A further attunement takes place and more symbols given.
Level 4
Traditionally taught in the west to give attunements and smaller versions of healing initiations to take place. This level is often referred by the title Master Teacher, this is incorrect, they are a master waiting to teach in reality as in the majority very few
people learn sufficient in the time they allow themselves, to qualify. This aspect of the masters qualities in introduction, should be questioned by the potential student, they can decide at that point whether the master has sufficient knowledge for their needs, or if they have to continue their enquires.
To illustrate how this can influence a decision, an enquiry made of myself once was regarding my lineage.
This gives a list of Masters preceding my name, right back to Dr Usui. I was turned down because of a book authored by one of the previous masters she had taken a dislike to!
For this level a further symbol is given along with another attunement.
Level 5
Master Teacher should be reached with sufficient time between each level for the student to gather the knowledge to achieve this reputation and title. It can take years of experience and even then a most difficult of title to live up to as (one should never stop learning), even Dr Usui did not address himself as such, but preferred the title Sensei which means teacher, a more modest title and one that should really be adopted for the sake of the ego!
It should be pointed out the five above attunements referred to is still not as long as the original Usui method.
It is attending well run workshops backed with manuals and continued support that bring further expertise into the system of Reiki.
So then, Reiki practice, and the content depends purely on the master teacher’s knowledge, it is up to the student to find out what is given in each Reiki school, and if it meets their requirements.
Within the last decade, valuable and detailed information has been received from the Japanese gakkai or association and a greater majority of M/Teachers have taken parts of the new eastern teachings on board thus combining them with western approaches.
It is always advisable for the new student to read about Reiki prior to accepting any M/T if possible, enabling them to ask questions which are important to them and to be comfortable about the whole procedure.
It is also necessary to find out whether on initiation the student receives a certificate, lineage of Masters and an adequate manual for each level, also if they receive future workshop details, hand outs or further manuals after each workshop. In addition it would be advisable to count the cost.
In my view many things should not be charged for, and the question of money is a delicate one for most individuals and rests with their conscience . I do not believe that the most expensive programme is the best, nor the cheapest is the poorest course to take, so please do ask the questions. It is of course appropriate the teacher is paid, overheads have to be met but exaggerated profits should be avoided as this seems to thwart the original ideals.
No set time is given between each level. Each student can work at their own pace, nor do they have to practice in the ‘private capacity’ or ‘public domain’, they can just attend to family and friends for as long as they want even with their higher qualifications.
As each student comes along with or without previous knowledge of energy work, each individual can vary on perception etc, also depending on their particular field of certificated complementary therapies, so it is important that enough time is allowed between initiations for the student to integrate grow and learn about the universal energy. It is imperative the M/ Teacher is there to answer any queries the student may come across outside the workshops.
What can I learn in Reiki practices?
At first it always comes as a surprise as the beginner starts to sense different sensations in hands and body, measuring the resistance and power of the electromagnetic field, then to start to understand what it all means.
To start with sensitising and developing scanning techniques which sharpens receptor areas within the body is essential. This can distinguish lines of energy routes called meridians, which are associated with organs and systems of the physical body, and vortices of energy called chakras which are the reservoirs of energy that assist in driving the physical system.
The connection between mind and body is very important and needs to be understood fully, and how the emotions can block the life force which stagnates in the system. Balancing all routes/polarities as we understand it and in addition are given techniques to assist in this process. This development can work both ways, as well as guiding the student to help the client, it has the ability to further their own achievements and accomplish homeostasis for both.
In addition in this school, some basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology plus any scientific information relevant to the training is also given. The reason for this is quite simple.
Many physical and mental conditions in our society today have become big issues, from low energy based, immune disorders, hormonal imbalances, neuromuscular problems and not forgetting cancer.
When most clients arrive at our doors, it is usually because somewhere along the line they feel either let down or they want to seek and explore every avenue open to them to improve on their health issues.
They are therefore vulnerable. We have to learn as practitioners all the skills needed not only to understand their health condition, but in some cases how to live with a problem, and hopefully ease their suffering, and in some cases how to die with dignity and without too much discomfort, so palliative care is also essential. Families and carers are also considered and often request information, so sometimes keeping them up to date with new developments can make them feel part of the hope which in turn helps their loved one.
Why are there so many types of Reiki?
When Reiki came to the west, parts of the original teachings by Dr Usui were not considered. One of the Masters attuned 22 new Masters, who then went on to deliver their own individual system, depending on their own abilities and beliefs. But out of
respect for the original founder, they changed the Reiki title as well as a great deal of the form to suit their particular expertise.
Can Reiki support other complimentary practices?
Reiki gives excellent support to other therapies, as most involve touch in some way. If when massaging or just resting the hands these become activated and the treatment becomes more potent. Client’s do notice the difference. It is ideal for releasing stress,
which is the basis of most problems, and helps the clients to heal themselves and regain some of their control.
Is Reiki better than other Energy based Therapies?
It largely depends on what the student has learnt about energy movement, through their perception and awareness, this is why it is so important to ask questions right from the start. Check the standards set by affiliation to organisations etc. Some Masters much prefer students to start and finish with them, so they are taught to their standard, others will teach what they know and let go with their blessing.
If all teaching had the same high standard set in the curriculum then the answer to this question could be a resounding yes which it could be if one includes the improvements it makes for the personal development of the student, as this system is not just a mechanical energetic exchange and adjustment for clients, but a life changing one for the student as well.
Scientific Information
There are many papers giving credence to the energy field of the physical body, and different tests written up showing electronic measurements plus case notes published etc, this information is given freely at this school as it is discovered and understood by the teachers. Knowledge of health issues are also followed through and the energetic connections. To further the quality of instruction updates are given when necessary.
Reiki helps in all sorts of situations and in my view no more so as in the support received from fellow therapists, I like to think we have a ‘Reiki Family’ a special community of like minded people ready to take some of our modern life’s stresses and turn them round. If the collective consciousness as a whole is considered, then we can make a difference in ‘healing’ our own small corner, and let the ripples touch so many more for the greater good.
Namaste June D Garbutt Master Teacher
Submitted by:-
June Garbutt